Forum:यौगिकम् इति पदम्
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9 months ago
Sanskrit ▴ 520

मतमेतत् सत्यव्रतशास्त्रिवर्याणां

  1. A Note on the Word Yaugika 1

A very common word, yaugika is derived from the word yoga meaning prakṛtipratyayārthasambandha, union of the sense of the stem and the suffix or avayavaniṣthatvavrtti. The formation of it is generally traced to the addition of ṭhak by Pāṇ. tena nirvṛttam (4.2.68) which of course, is not possible, for, the suffix by this sūtra is enjoined in the case of a place named after the one laying it, deśe tannāmni, e.g. kuśāmbena nirvṛttā, nagarī kauśāmbī, kauśāmbī, the city laid by Kuśāmba. Nor can it be formed by tena nirvrttam (5.1.79) for it has connection with kāla, period, its example being āhnika, so called because it is carried out in ahan, a day. The only possibility of the formation of the word could be by yogād yac ca (5.1.102) which enjoins than along with yat in the sense of tasmai prabhavati, fit for it, which is carried forward into it from the preceding tasmai prabhavati santāpādibhyaḥ (5.1.101). Yaugika, therefore, is one which is fit for yoga the connection (in the sense of stem and suffix).

व्याकरणम् तद्धितम् यौगिकम् • 146 views
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स्वारस्यं किं नाम यौगिकपदस्य स्वार्थः एव रूढिबलात् अवतिष्ठते :)

सत्यं खलु - योगात् रूढिः बलीयसी


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